Camas High School Sophomore Blake Harris has always been intrigued by journalism. Ever since he was in the fourth grade, he has participated on news teams for a variety of platforms. From extracurricular clubs to serving as an anchor for his school’s broadcast news, Harris has several years of experience in this field.
Over the summer, Harris and his family moved to Camas from Carmel, Indiana, where he had lived for seven years. At first, he was reluctant to move 2,228.6 miles across the country, but once he and his family got on the road, Harris had a new outlook on the journey. Over the course of the three-day road trip, he was able to drive through multiple states and see a vast amount of unique locations. Harris had been accustomed to the flat terrain of the midwest, so the mountainous Pacific Northwest was a welcomed change of scenery.

Leaving his friends was very difficult, and the COVID-19 pandemic made it even more difficult to say goodbye. However, Harris was optimistic about the new opportunities he would be presented in the Pacific Northwest. Some of these include exploring new places and meeting a variety of people in his new community. The move also provided him with a feeling of comfort and nostalgia, since he grew up watching “Gravity Falls”, an animated TV show that was set in Oregon.
Although Harris is new to the Camas School District, being on the Camasonian news team has allowed him to make dozens of connections. To Harris, it does not matter whether he serves as a news anchor or a journalist. All that matters to him is that he is able to share stories with his community.