Isabelle Domenech joined journalism as a way to write important stories that impact our community, and to meet new people. Izzy, as she likes to be called, likes to tell stories because when times are down, she hopes some stories will be able to “bring little pockets of happiness to people who are having a tough time.”

Since Domenech’s Freshman year, she has been interested in participating in the Camas theatre department.
“This year, I’m the stage manager, but this show will be really different than normal shows. Being a part of the theatre department and tech has been very meaningful to me, because I don’t like being on stage, but I do enjoy theatre. It’s a way for me to escape from the normal world, and I’ve grown so many amazing relationships in the theatre department with people who share the same interests as me,” she said.
Domenech added, “When I started, I was really shy. Being the stage manager, you have to talk to a lot of people, you have to talk in front of big crowds of students, and I have to manage my time wisely between school and the plays.” She also explained how it has helped her develop skills needed for journalism, “like doing an interview or asking questions.”
Domenech’s neighbor was the one who inspired her to join, who was the stage manager a few years ago, and had told her, “It’s just a fun department, it’s so welcoming.”
Izzy agrees with that. “It’s been so fun, and I’ve never regretted the decision to join,” she said.
The most enjoyable thing about the theatre to her are the rehearsals. “They can be super tiring, and sometimes it’s like, why did I sign up for this? But the end product of putting on a show, having it done for an audience, and seeing how all our hard work is appreciated by the audience has been worth it, it is amazing,” Domenech said.