In the past, Camas High School ASB has relied on school spirit that comes with gatherings, such as homecoming, pep assemblies, and athletics. With the coronavirus pandemic keeping everyone home, they have taken an entirely new approach this year. ASB officers have been working hard to create fun and inclusive activities for CHS students, despite the new challenge.
Since students and staff are not able to have contact with CHS’s student body, ASB strived to keep the sense of community alive.
CHS ASB advisor, chemistry teacher Charlotte Waters said, “The biggest goal is to reach out to people and try to plan things that are more inclusive…trying to figure out how we can reach more of the student body.”

Waters also explained the thinking behind these decisions. Around 1,300 students attended last year’s homecoming dance, and ASB is trying to create student engagement allowing for these numbers.
“Our main goal this year is community outreach…ASB is trying to come up with fun and inclusive activities for everyone to maintain Camas’ sense of community,” said CHS Junior and ASB Class Secretary, Sydney Moltrum.
Activities include a scavenger hunt and a pumpkin carving contest for Halloween held on Instagram.
Many more activities are found on the CHS Instagram page, (@papermakerasb). Each focuses on hearing from students and holding fun events. Important messages are also sent out on StudentSquare for students who do not have Instagram.
Drew Fishburn, a CHS Senior and ASB Sergeant at Arms said, “We are not trying to be an advertising source for the school, but instead, providing the IG community with information & ideas to help feel & stay connected. We want this to help build the school’s collective voice, so anything that people have interest in sharing is considered.”
The Instagram page this month has a theme of gratitude. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, on the story feature, questions are posed to students about the specific things they are grateful for. This allows students to learn more about each other and create a sense of community.

With fully online classes, ASB has taken advantage of the opportunity to make videos.
CHS Senior and ASB President, Ashley Gillespie, said, “We also are making videos to be shown in advisory twice a month. Hopefully, we will be back in school soon so we can see each other in person, but for now, we are staying positive and making the best of the situation!”
ASB has taken on the challenge of adapting to this year’s unique situation. With their hard work and formulation of ideas, the CHS community is stronger than ever.