It would be an understatement to say my final year of high school is different. A complete shake-up of the high school experience, due to a microscopic yet ever-present collection of molecules that has taken this year by storm. Hey, at least I am going out with a bang, if that bang was the sound of my body hitting the floor after slumping out of bed. If I had a nickel for every time I fell out of my bed, I would have… two nickels.
Adapting to this new lifestyle took some time, but I think I have the hang of it now! My alarm wakes me up, I fall back asleep, and I wake up again just in time for my first Zoom meeting; that is a lot of progress. Believe it or not, I am actually related to Morpheus, the mythological god of sleep. Luckily, I have plenty of preoccupations to keep me awake.
Both of my favorite pastimes, programming, and video games, have never been easier to do these days. I have plenty of projects to keep flexing my computing muscle, such as maintaining this website (I hope you like the new theme) and working on my senior project. My friends are usually open to virtually hang out and play video games, or simply just talk. I really enjoy the flexibility that comes with remote learning.

My dog, Buttercup, is the best addition to my family since me (sorry, brother). Part labradoodle and part Goldendoodle, she is probably smart enough to drive a car, and she has been a large factor in keeping my family sane. I guess our situation has also vastly improved Buttercup’s situation since there is always someone at home now.
Home. With my high school graduation in sight, there is only a matter of time before I go off to college. While I have been admitted to WSU (am I allowed to say “Go Cougs” yet?), acquiring a job before and during my college life will likely be difficult due to current circumstances. Maybe I will go into indie game development instead, or do web freelancing, or both. Maybe I will not. This year is exciting so far, but I have a strange feeling that the future will be just as interesting, if not terrifying.
You know what? Between now and then, whenever then is, the only thing I can do is to do things, no matter how scary the future might be. Why not do something while you are waiting, whether it is preparing for the future or enjoying the moment? And do not be afraid of falling out of bed a couple of times; you always have the ground to catch you.