During remote learning this year, Camas High School has added an advisory class to every student’s schedule as a part of social and emotional learning. The goal of advisory is to help students feel more connected with each other and their teachers.
Since school has been remote since March, social interaction between students and teachers has been non-existent. Advisory is a devoted time that takes place on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10:45 a.m to 11:05 a.m. on Zoom. During this time, students learn about social and emotional learning and create a tighter-knit community with others in the class. CHS has looked for a way to connect students with one another to make up for the lack of normal interaction that takes place at school.
It is important to give students the time to connect with their peers and teachers, especially under these remote learning circumstances. Teachers have a difficult time determining how students are doing over a black screen so it is important to meet with these small groups and have an opportunity to share and speak about things other than school.
Kirin Casteel, a counselor at CHS, said that she, “I would challenge students to participate in advisory, it’s hard to be a student or teacher right now so it’s important to support each other and stay positive.”

It has been brought into question whether advisory is beneficial or not for CHS students. Some enjoy advisory, while others may want to use their time doing other things.
CHS Senior Luke Basanta said, “I think it’s a bit boring and I would rather not have it.”
According to Basanta, there are problems with keeping the students entertained during this time period and some of them may doze off and begin to work on their schoolwork.
Advisory is a time for assistance and a time for students to talk to one another. With technology, it can be very hard to keep students engaged.
CHS art teacher Rodney Raunig said everyone has a good time in his advisory class. He recently held a raffle where students could submit artwork, videos, and other things. He said that he has an interesting group of students and they are always talking about and doing new things.
There are differing opinions about advisory among the students though, as some think this time could be used differently.
CHS Sophomore Jake Silva said “I don’t think we need to have advisory as a class. It is a way to connect with teachers, but other than that I don’t find it helpful.”
There seems to be an agreement between students that advisory is not very helpful unless they have questions or issues. Going forward this may lead to changes in attendance and the way that the class is going to work.
Some students enjoy having the class, believing it provides the ability to meet with teachers and seek credible advice for their school work or just life in general.
CHS Senior Caleb Shira said, “Advisory has been a good way to connect and get help with school work. I feel that it is forced and that it should be optional for all of the students.”
Although many students may find advisory a waste of time, others may need this time to have talks with teachers and to get help with their school work.
Camasonian journalists Emma Sanz and Christian Lenard contributed to this article.