Through the end of the 2019-2020 school year, The Camasonian staff would like to share CSD staff and students’ “silver linings”, those things that make quarantine life more bearable as the school year winds down.
Sophomore Blake Adair says:
My silver lining during quarantine is video games and guitar playing… my close friends also has been playing guitar so getting together finally was cool because we played together. I miss normal days at school because it was nice to see my teachers and friends it was easier to be guided to do assignments but I like that I sort of have my own schedule now.
Sophomore Gehna Hingorani says:
What I miss about in-person school is meeting my friends and teachers.
Sophomore Keoni Jones says:
I have been able to work out a lot which has been super nice to keep in shape. I miss just being able to interact in person.
Sophomore Emma Loucks says:
I get to spend time with my family and work out.
I don’t get to see my friends and talk to them in person.
Sophomore Nicole Walters says:
My silver lining” has been the door dash and food deliveries. I miss seeing friends at school and being able to get contact in-person help from teachers.
Sophomore Jayden Foster says:
1.) I’ve had a lot more free time to work on hobbies. 2.) I miss seeing my friends.
Sophomore Simone Houston says:
1. The best thing about quarantine is being able to connect with my exchange student whereas in school, I would be away for a lot of time. I love baking and experimenting in the kitchen with healthy meals. 2. I really miss sports and being able to hang out with friends and have a chance to get connected with others. I also miss the daily encounters with my classmates, whether we are friends or not.
Sophomore Gehrig Seuferling says:
1. I think just being able to control my own schedule. I’m able to sleep in but I’m still able to do my homework, chores, and workout each day. On the weekends, I get to spend time with my friends and my family. When everything was closed, we would get takeout food each Saturday as a family. 2. I have been able to hang out with my 2 best friends this quarantine, but I haven’t been able to see anyone else from school. There are a lot of people that make each class fun and easier for me, but I haven’t been able to see them. It has been also extremely hard to focus on my assignments because of my freedom.
Sophomore Maggie Shermer says:
The silver lining has been able to catch up on my missing work. I was really behind. Also breaking up the classes by days helped me not feel so lost. I miss my teachers and friends.
Sophomore Sarah Virtue says:
I was able to learn how to cook a lot of yummy food, my sister and I got much closer, I got to sleep in and go for long drives with my mom, fishing with my Dad, and had a lot of family dinners and game nights. I miss seeing friends and my teachers.. but I learn better at school with my teachers.. my mom isn’t good at teaching so I really hope we go back to school in the fall or I will go insane.
Sophomore Shivaswamy Narayanan says:
1. the silver lining for me has been that it has been a time where I could really focus on the things I love to do and improve on them 2.the daily interaction with people.
Sophomore Andrew Nguyen says:
1. Creating Art or Music 2. Having to get help in person from teachers
Sophomore Will Pershing says:
1. My computer 2. I missed that I could actually focus on school
Sophomore Frank Tetro says:
1. Spending time at home and doing things not usually being done. 2. People and class conversations
Sophomore Elise Wynn says:
Having family and friend time has kept me happy during this time. The one thing I miss about normal school is being able to see everyone. I’m very social and it’s hard for me to get my work done when I have no one around me.
Sophomore William Bennett says:
1. Being able to go outside and just chill 2. I miss boolin with the bois (and the chicas).
Sophomore Ariana Berumen says:
1: Being able to still talk to my friends knowing that i’m not the only one going through something like this, they were able to still put a smile on my face during these times. 2: Honestly I miss the teachers and the students but mostly what I miss is the in person learning it made me learn tone social and be more out there.
Sophomore Anthony Crisan-Duma says:
1) My “silver lining” was just talking to friends, playing football, doing something involved with cars, just spending time to enjoy my hobbies was what made me able to go through this quarantine. 2) What I miss the most at school is being able to see all these familiar faces in person. Online was just weird, and I miss talking to my teachers and friends in person.
Sophomore Lucas Klement says:
1. Video games had definitely been a silver lining 2. one thing that I miss about “normal in-person CHS” is interacting with real people
Sophomore Ryan Sagar says:
1. My silver lining during quarantine has been TV. 2. I miss the in-person interaction.
Sophomore Savannah Stephens says:
The one thing that has made me happy is my grades. Somehow they’re better then what they were in school so that’s been good.
I miss my friends a whole heck of a lot. i also miss my teachers cuz they’re all pretty great!
Sophomore Josh Swenson says:
1. More free time and time to relax 2. The routine of going to school
Sophomore Treacy says:
1. Music 2. People
SophomoreOwen Walker says:
1. Knowing that it’ll be over. 2. Seeing my friends.
Sophomore Taylor Wilson says:
1) Being able to spend time with family and now being able to go out and see friends. 2) Seeing people in school and interacting with classmates.
Sophomore Liam Wright says:
1. Probably being able to work with the wonderful people at the Riverstone QFC. I’ve had lots of fun at my first job and after two months I feel I fit in well and am accepted by my coworkers 2. Being able to ask the teacher for help whenever needed and also being able to do it right there and then with no distractions. whats hardest for me right now is how distracting my home life is.