Through the end of the 2019-2020 school year, The Camasonian staff would like to share CSD staff and students’ “silver linings”, those things that make quarantine life more bearable as the school year winds down.

CHS English Teacher Ms. Widdop says:

Personally: exercise and time to simply slow down
Professionally: We needed a change to our school system. I hope that true change in how we teach and structure our system comes out of this.
Miss most: My students. I teach because I love the interaction with my students, not so I can sit in front of my computer and read their writing for 7 hours a day.

CHS Counselor Mrs. Warta says:
Personal Silver Lining: It is a reminder that the little things are important – dinner with friends, coffee with my kids, going hiking with my husband, walking my dogs each morning. No commute time. Listening to music throughout the workday.
Professional Silver Lining: My tech skills have definitely improved! I have streamlined a few processes due to being online. Time to think things through.

Miss most: I miss the daily interaction with students and staff! I miss students and staff stopping by my office to say “hello” while grabbing a snack or candy.