Through the end of the 2019-2020 school year, The Camasonian staff would like to share CSD staff and students’ “silver linings”, those things that make quarantine life more bearable as the school year winds down.
From Mrs. Fitzgerald:
My Personal silver lining during this closure has been time with my family. My oldest came home from Bellingham to ride out the closure here at home. To have all 4 of us under the same roof has been absolutely wonderful. My older daughter has been feeding us these amazing meals and desserts. A lot of them have been vegan, and then some have been vegetarian. Also, I have been able to spend time with my youngest before she leaves for college in August. We have been taking two walks a day: morning and evening. It has been a great opportunity to connect, unwind, and spend time.
My professional silver lining has come in the form of learning technology is not scary, and that I can do more than I thought! Going into the closure I had not realized I was capable of learning so quickly, and trouble-shooting for myself and the students. I aspire to one day know even half of what Mrs. Albert does!! It is all about goal setting, right?
What do I miss most? ALL OF YOU!!! The Students, the staff, the energy of CHS when a science class is running in the Hallway to do the blood pressure testing(or is respiration?), the students who have lost their way going to the bathroom (you know who you are), all of it!! I am anxiously awaiting the day we can return. Until then, stay safe!!

From Mrs. Fisher:
My personal silver lining has been spending time with my husband and working on some habit changes.
Professionally, I am blessed with amazing colleagues that have worked together to plan and support each other. We are there for each other for the school stuff, as well as being emotional support for the life part of this adventure.
The thing I miss most about being at CHS is the people. I miss the interaction with my students. I miss knowing how they are doing in their lives as well as their math. I miss the hugs, high fives, and handshakes. I miss the learning that comes from being in class with my students.