Through the end of the 2019-2020 school year, The Camasonian staff would like to share CSD staff and students’ “silver linings”, those things that make quarantine life more bearable as the school year winds down.
CHS Administrative Assistant Stephanie McGinty says:
Silver lining for me personally:
My son came home two months early from his freshman year of college to get to spend all day errday with his good ole ma! Imagine my elation! We have a healthy, fun and open relationship and this shared time has only made it stronger. We have been taking advantage of the lack of humanoid traffic in Portland and walking the pedestrian bridges together. We’ve also converted a room in our house to our own little yoga studio and practice together regularly. I know that I will never have this much time again with my son as he navigates his way into his own adult life. I’m grateful for every minute of meaningful conversation, watching his favorite videos on YouTube together, schooling him in cribbage or listening to him gripe about his chores. I couldn’t have asked for a better quarantine partner.
Silver lining for me professionally:
A pause in the day-to-day rush and activity in life has been eye-opening. Perhaps the pace and approach to our daily functions can change slightly with even just a little more time to think of how can I do this more thoughtfully, creatively, efficiently, effectively, etc? I’m all about working smarter and this time period has allowed a little more breathing room in general.
What I miss the most about CHS:
Hands down, the staff! It goes without saying that we all miss the kids – they are the reason we are there. But, I’ve made big and small connections with CHS staff that have real meaning to me. There is a definite void in the loss of this almost-daily, in-person connection. I can’t wait to collaborate, laugh, and work together again!