What has been your silver lining personally during this quarantine time?
- More family time. My senior is graduating and this time has allowed us to slow down and have a bunch of unexpected family time that is usually eaten up by a ton of activities.
- I have had time for personal projects and hobbies (and so many of my hobbies that have always seemed antiquated—sewing, baking, food preserving—are suddenly in vogue!)
- I jumped on the sourdough bread train, which I’ve actually been looking to do for a long time.
What has been your silver lining professionally during quarantine?
- I’ve had time to learn and use technological tools I’ve wanted to explore, but never had the time to do.
- More one on one time wth students and getting to know them better in ways I wouldn’t ever get to know them at school.
- Having time to slow down and eat lunch without working; seriously, this can’t be overrated.
- Every day is take your pet to work day.
What do you miss most about being at CHS?
- Seeing my students in person every day. I miss their personalities, teaching each class, and sitting next to them problem solving. I miss what I learn from them.
- I miss seeing my colleagues in person so so much!!