Through the end of the 2019-2020 school year, The Camasonian staff would like to share CHS staff and students’ “silver linings”, those things that make quarantine life more bearable as the school year winds down.
From social studies teacher Mrs. Jarvis:
- My Personal Silver Lining: Getting a new puppy, Finn, to join our Rio boy! The Senior Cap & Gown parade was epic!
- Professional Silver Lining: Weekly Google Meet check-ins, especially the silly chat posts! I also appreciate my colleagues during AP Testing, commiserating with me about the changes and updates.
Jarvis Pups - What I miss most about CHS: I really miss the regular face-to-face interactions with students and other staff members. This new mode is doable, but I signed on for the natural give and take of the classroom (not Google Classroom!).

From Spanish teacher Mrs. McIlraith:
- What has been your silver lining personally during this quarantine time? Prior to the closure, I was really struggling this year because my three kids kept getting sick. In particular, my youngest son who is only two seemed be sick nearly constantly. I was worried about the amount of time I was missing class and worried about running out of sick leave. My silver lining is that now that we are all at home constantly and not getting exposed to so many things, we have all been healthy, and we have been able to enjoy ourselves more!
- What do you miss most about being at CHS? I miss the energy of the students! I really miss being in the classroom with them every day.
Mrs. McIlraith and Family