From Lisa Schneider:
Words of Wisdom from a Coaching Perspective –
2020 seems to have slammed dunked us all, but, still, as the basketball goes through the net it hits the floor and BOUNCES!! Remember this!! Life is ultimately a game that seems to have a multitude of moments that can push, pull, or even knock you down, but keep moving forward. This forward progress comes with all sorts of obstacles and celebrations. Take time to reflect on BOTH in order to be a greater version of yourself every day.
Wishing words could allow you to feel my hugs and high fives, but for now, imagine me cheering you on from my little desk in the Learning Center…Much Love! Keep it real!
Lisa Schneider
From Mrs. Hunting:

To the Class of 2020,
I don’t usually like to contribute to the journalism website (since I’m the teacher), but, for you, I’ll make an exception. Your class, after all, is exceptional. I had many of you in your sophomore year and have loved seeing you grow and change in the past couple of years. I look back fondly on that school year with memories of a lot of shenanigans (Josh P., Logan, Quintin, Ammon, Urg, Jack — I’m looking at you), and so many of you stand out as some of the sweetest students I’ve had in class (Audrey, Allie F., Kourtney, Syd, Ally K., Brooke R., Mia, Anna S.). In fact, Anna W. did such a great job bossing around a group of you boys in first period, that she became editor-in-chief of our newspaper program the next year, and I’m happy to have had some of you in your junior and senior years in journalism, too.
Now, if I didn’t mention you by name, I hope you know I still loved being your teacher and miss you, but these are some of the students who stopped by my room regularly since sophomore year. These are the students who became a TA or asked for a recommendation letter; the students who popped in just to say hi and let me know how they’re doing; the students who came in to play what they’re listening to (I’m actually appreciating Drake these days, Josh); the students who came back to see pictures of Gwen and Greta.
Getting to know you all and helping you learn — that’s all great, but when you care enough to come back and visit, to ask for advice, or to tell me how you’re doing — it’s the best. That’s what I hope you know you can still do, even though I won’t get to see you as students in the halls of CHS again. Please come back and tell me how you are; send me an email anytime, find me on the ‘Gram after graduation, stop by my classroom when we’re back in the building. I am always here to help with a college paper, a job recommendation, dole out some advice, or give you a hug.
I will miss you, Class of 2020, and I cherish the memories we have together. You are my favorite part of teaching.
Mrs. Hunting