March 13, 2020 A.D.: a date which will live in infamy, at least among zoomers. On that seemingly average day, the governor of the greatest state in the entirety of the United States of America, Jay Inslee, declared schools closed in Washington until April 24, 2020 A.D. and that individuals across the state were to limit public gatherings and practice social distancing in the same period. Civil libertarians be mad. Boomers be sad. Tomasetti had a few issues. And zoomers would go on in a mixture of disappointment and nervous excitement. One chaotic, goodbye-filled sixth period later, and the school year was done, although it appeared to be on hiatus at the time.
All cards on the table, the lack of prom or senior events do not bother me all that much, honestly. What perturbs me more is the lack of a senior prank, senior skip day (although to be fair, we do get three months instead) and yearbook signing, as well as the fact that the time-honored American tradition of grad parties is now in jeopardy. While I will miss walking across the stage to receive my diploma, I have no qualms with receiving it in the mail.
I’m elated social discourse and interaction haven’t died with distance, thanks to the existence of Facetime and the resurgent popularity of Xbox Live. I’ve been able to keep in touch with several of my close friends and have constantly endeavored not to die of boredom as my library of films and supply of Flaming Hot Cheetos become increasingly exhausted. I find continual humor in how individuals of high intellectual renown and scientific prowess associate a deadly and debilitating biological phenomena with the rollout of 5G cellular telecommunications. I get to sleep until 10 am, which has near single-handedly kept me sane. I power through assignments in my own idiosyncratic way. Put on Nine Inch Nails. Do physics worksheet. Put on Def Leppard. Do stats notes. Put on the one and only Kanye West. Drink Cherry Coke from the stash under the desk. Do Spanish. Rinse and repeat until done.
While any plans I had with my fellow comrades are now dead in the water, I’m glad I still get to interact with them regularly. I’m glad I get more time with my family, and I’m glad that the world hasn’t totally fallen apart in the absence of school. All said and done, this won’t be the best school year I’ve had, but it will certainly be the most memorable and has been a wild ride through and through. It wouldn’t be as quality without the true brothers and sisters for life I’ve made throughout my four years of secondary education.
If you’re a senior and would like to write an opinion-editorial piece to publish on The Camasonian, email katherine.hunting@camas.wednet.edu Please include your story and a senior photo for publication.