So much has happened this year at Camas High School, including the lockdown and Dr. Sejkora drama; many, if not all, students were looking for a normal conclusion to the 2019-20 school year.
Seniors, in particular, wanted a normal prom, senior activities, commencement and grad party; we wanted the whole experience that our predecessors were able to enjoy. However, the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus is putting these milestones in jeopardy.
Since Governor Inslee shared shelter-in-place and social distancing orders, prom, Senior/Mother Tea, Senior/Father Breakfast, the memory walk, and graduation, to name a few, became off-limits due to large population densities at these events. These are unprecedented times, leaving administrators scrambling to figure out how to hold upperclassmen affairs. Rumors are swirling around Camas that the commencement ceremony could be virtual this year, which is very unpopular with much of this year’s graduating class.
One popular alternative among seniors is to push graduation and prom back later in the summer to August if need be. This way, we could save two of the biggest (and to many most important) celebrations of winding up high school.
For me personally, I’ve been doing my assigned work on Google Classroom, studying with friends via HouseParty, and trying to get outside (in order to keep my sanity). Although I am in the dumps because I have not been able to see familiar faces every day, school is much less time consuming, and I have found more time on my hands to do other things.
I am lucky, though, that my plans for next year have not been affected at all. AP tests are different this year than in the past, with exams now being administered for 45 minutes online and with policies that allow for students to use their notes. Though these changes are in place, due to the anti-plagiarism software that Collegeboard has in place for these tests, universities around the world still plan on accepting AP credit in a similar way. This time in quarantine has also offered seniors an opportunity to research their university options thoroughly and pick the best suited-program for each individual.
Though the coming weeks are filled with uncertainty, it is safe to say that the remainder of the school year will be especially unusual for the seniors of 2020. Navigating these unexpected circumstances will continue to be challenging for teachers, students, and parents alike, as nothing like this has happened before. Like others in my graduating class, I will continue to adapt to this situation as best as I can and hope for our beloved senior events to be postponed rather than canceled, as some conclusion to the school year would be better than nothing.
If you’re a senior and would like to write an opinion-editorial piece to publish on The Camasonian, email Please include your story and a senior photo for publication.