Not many football players get to be part of an All-American football team, but for senior Bryce Leighton, his chance will occur next year.
He was nominated one of the top kickers in both state and national rankings. After competing as the varsity football team’s kicker, he was selected along with 99 other players by Under Armour to participate in a game in Orlando, Florida.

Camas High School is sharing his pride, too. In an assembly in November, Leighton was called up in front of the school to be recognized for the honor of competing in Florida. Since he is the first football player from Camas to go to a nationally held All American football game, he is very thrilled to be in on the experience.
“I thought it was really cool and a great honor to be chosen. I already had an idea that I would be selected because this past summer I won a kicking camp. It was also awesome to be recognized in the assembly,” Leighton said.
Since middle school, Leighton has competed in six kicking camps and counting. His journey throughout middle school seemed to continue on into high school as well, where he got to kick with the varsity team for Camas.
Leighton attributes his success to three things: “Training hard, practicing, and working with the team everyday. A Lot of the practice was focused on technique.”
He hasn’t done it alone either: His coaches, along with all of his teammates, have been very supportive of him as he practices his kicking for the All American game.
“Daren Elequinn helped a lot with kicking along with Coach Eagle. My friends and teammates have been supportive too,” Leighton said.
The All American game will be held January 2nd 2020 and televised by ESPN2. It will be a game Camasonians won’t want to miss.