At Camas High school there is a ton of kids that drive cars to school and have to pay for parking passes. The parking passes this year are making a slight change, there will be one pass for all of the parking lots rather than having a north and a south lot pass. This is going to help simplify things for everybody, with kids who don’t want to be parking in the south they will have a chance to park in the north. Changing the parking pass from a certain lot to a universal one is going to have benefits to it. With the parking pass situation now this is causing a lot of kids parking in a lot they are not supposed to be parking in and this is causing the security to be spending more time in the parking lot dealing with that rather than inside the building.
The benefits to CHS changing the parking pass to a universal system is having to do with keeping the security dealing with parking notices and tickets less and also Owen Sanford said “Another benefit to this change is less of an issue with students being ticked they didn’t get a North pass or anything like that, it simplifies in many ways.” There is also going to be a parking area in the south lot closest to the building for running start students.
Some of the students of CHS gave their opinion, Junior Luke Bales said this about it “The new parking pass is going to be a weird change but I kind of like it.” With the changes to the parking passes for next year, this is going to help simplify things for everybody if you are here and a spot is open it’s yours. This is going to be able to help improve the time of security being in the building and just making things more simple.