Graduation: certainly one thing that many high schoolers look forward to. After the 12 plus year introduction to real life, students finally have the ability to officially start working towards their desired career paths.
Although many students are looking to go venture out on their own, it is not uncommon to hear adults share their high school regrets – whether that be not going to school dances or making the stereotyped fatal choices of teenagers. In an attempt to steer the graduating class away from tragedy before the after-party, seniors are shown a skit following the scene of a drunk driving accident involving state troopers, paramedics and a life-flight showing them what that path often entails.
Unlike the previously mentioned ritual, there are many more enjoyable, lighthearted events for seniors that accumulate towards the end of the year. Some of these include: the Senior/Mother Tea, Baccalaureate, Senior Picnic, Senior/Father Breakfast, the Memory Walk, and of course, graduation itself.
The Camas High School graduation is unique from many schools in Southwest Washington, for one because “there’s only one graduation as opposed to sharing a stadium,” Mrs. Reed explains. Another reason being that students are permitted to walk in their black caps and gowns with their friends. Students, however, will have to wait until the last minute to obtain their graduation caps as they will be handed out along with tassels and medallions prior to loading the buses to Doc Harris on the evening of graduation. Each senior that does not have any fines, or is not on academic hold, is able to receive six graduation tickets after the commencement practice in the CHS Gym on June 13th; more tickets will be available the next day after the commencement practice at Doc Harris, if needed. Those who do not have graduation tickets are still able to attend graduation, which is another thing that the CHS graduation brings to the table that others do not. The gates into Doc Harris are open to ticket holders from 5:30 – 6:15 PM the night of graduation; at 6:15 gates will open to non-ticket holders.
All of this, according to Associate Principal Mr. Fox, is an attempt to make graduation “as much of a celebration” and as “stress-free” as possible because, in the end, it is “all about the experience” for the 534 graduating seniors in 2019.